Hello, I'm Shenzhe (Cho) Zhu🤔

I am a researcher with interest in Trustworthy AI, LLM Interpretability & Alignment, Multimodal LLM, and Generative Agents. Currently, I am a third-year Computer Science student at the University of Toronto, supervised by William Cunningham in the SocialAI lab. Additionally, I collaborate remotely with the PRADA Lab at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology(KAUST).

email: cho.zhu at mail.utoronto.ca



SC-Bench: Evaluating LLM-based Generative Agents through Social Cognitive Criteria

SC-Bench: Evaluating LLM-based Generative Agents through Social Cognitive Criteria

In Processing

This paper introduces SC-BENCH, a comprehensive benchmark designed to evaluate abilities and limitations of language models in social cognition.

Minagen: A Minimal Testing Ground for Building Cognitive Architectures for Generative Agents

Minagen: A Minimal Testing Ground for Building Cognitive Architectures for Generative Agents

In Processing

Minagen develops and tests cognitive architectures for generative AI agents, offering a minimalistic platform for researchers to explore and test cognitive modeling and AI ideas.

Exploring knowledge graph-based neural-symbolic system from application perspective

Exploring knowledge graph-based neural-symbolic system from application perspective

Shenzhe Zhu, Shengxiang Sun
arXiv, 2024

This survey paper explores KG-based neural-symbolic integration, enhancing neural reasoning, improving symbolic accuracy, and combining both


Career Navigator: LLM & Knowledge Graph-Based Job Recommender Engine

Career Navigator: LLM & Knowledge Graph-Based Job Recommender Engine

Shenzhe Zhu

Career Navigator is an job recommendation service based on LLM and Knowledge Graph, It addresses challenges students face on the CSM platform, improving job search efficiency.


  • Texas A&M University
    Research Assistant, advised by Prof. ZhengZhong Tu
    July 2024 - Current
  • PRADA LAB - King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
    Collaborative Researcher
    June 2024 - Current
  • Social AI Lab - University of Toronto
    Research Assistant, advised by Prof. William Cunningham
    May 2024 - Current
  • CoNSens Lab - University of Toronto
    Research Assistant, advised by Prof. Matthias Niemeier
    May 2024 - Aug 2024
  • Urban Data Research Center - University of Toronto
    NLP Analyst
    May 2024 - Aug 2024
  • University of Toronto Scarborough
    Data Analyst Intern
    Jan 2024 - May 2024


  • University of Toronto
    B.S. in Computer Science.
    Fall 2022 - Current